Thursday 7 February 2008

Clergy House Oratory

We have always been fortunate to have a peaceful oratory within Clergy House; it is a great privilege to have the Blessed Sacrament in a quiet place at the centre of the house. It is also helpful to have a place where priests may celebrate Mass or the Divine Office on their day off, besides being of considerable advantage to elderly or infirm residents.

Although small, the oratory is exquisitely furnished, thanks to the taste and abilities of Mgr Anthony Bartlett, former Administrator. The altar frontal is 17th century, in antique velvet.

The crucfix is a large 18th century ivory, of surpassing beauty.

Beside the altar is a 17th century Spanish image of Our Lady of the Assumption, serenely beautiful as she is carried on high by cherubs.

The long flowing hair is typical of representations of Our Lady from this epoch.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful, and ad orientem too.

Dr. Peter H. Wright said...

I'm afraid I missed reading this post until now.

What a beautiful altar.

The ivory crucifix and the statue of Our Lady are both exquisite.

Yes, from these fine photos, one detects the hand of Mons. Bartlett. A man of great taste !

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post..hope you're better soon...